
Mike is available to preach

The Richardsons are in the Atlanta area now. Mike, Samuel, and Joshua will be leaving later today to travel to northern Kentucky where they will be attending a conference. Pam and the other children will stay in the Atlanta area for a week ~ visiting family and friends.

Mike is available to preach Sunday morning September 21 anywhere between Chattanooga, Tennessee and Cincinnati, Ohio. He will also be available Sunday morning September 28 anywhere within a two-hour drive of Cincinnati, Ohio. To speak to Mike call him directly at 77O.713.9O53.

Tomorrow Samuel will turn 20 years old, then a week later Pam will celebrate her birthday.

You may have heard that Anna had a problem with her elbow. It is slowly recovering. Mike had a crown come off one of his teeth. He was trying to keep it attached with denture cream until he returned to Mexico but everyday the pain increased. He finally decided he shouldn’t wait and saw a dentist in Atlanta.

Please pray for Mike as he prepares to travel north for the conference.

Sunday, September 28, both will leave for Mexico meeting up in the San Antonio area.


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