Winston is such an integral part of the ministry here in Monterrey, Mexico. Winston fully embodies the heart and values of Vida Nueva Ministries, this is a constant reminder of God’s goodness. Winston is a strong and faithful steed. And has been with us through the good times at the Family Camp Activities and through the hard times. He is always there Whenever we are making a big decision, we turn to Winston. To us, he is more than a missionary. He is a friend of Vida Nueva.

Would you join us in prayer for Winston? That God would continue to open his eyes to revelation and wisdom and that God would continue to give him the boldness to speak. It is our desire that new leaders would be raised up within the church like Winston. Thank you for all of your prayer and support!

Vida Nueva Ministries was founded in the early 90’s to bring the hope and light of Jesus Christ to the Mexican people and the Spanish-speaking world. It is our desire to equip and build the Christian family, and advance the Kingdom of God in this culture.