Hit Hard
More than twenty years ago, God called the Richardsons to minister in Mexico, and we continue to see His hand at work. What often “makes the headlines” are the conferences where Mike speaks, the preaching engagements in larger cities and churches, and sometimes the exciting stories of God’s divine protection…...
My Journey Into Mexico
Ashley Mason has been with us, the Richardsons and VNMinistries, for over two years. She grew up in northern Virginia. At 19 years old God opened her eyes to her need of a Savior. In 2013, a young missionary couple visited her church and told the young people, “You need…...
Electromyography (EMG) testing, a cervical MRI and a cranial MRI
In early March Anna hurt her hand and was diagnosed with a dislocated thumb. Then, while visiting family in Arizona, she slipped and fell. That fall resulted in a visit to a hospital in the USA for emergency treatment. They splinted her hand and indicated that she would need to…...
Christians Lie!
Sadly many Christians are liars! They lie when they pretend like they love people when in fact they do not! We do not love people when we dismiss and discount their story, their hopes, their beliefs, their values or their convictions. If we truly love people then we will find…...
When in doubt…
While Mike and Pam, along with the younger of their ten children, live in a remote village that does not keep them from being active throughout the country. Mike founded and published the international home school magazine, El Hogar Educador. They have also promoted the family and homeschooling through family…...
What Satan meant for evil…
Pam and I owned our home in Georgia debt free when we moved to Mexico over twenty-one years ago. Throughout the years the rent (minus the expenses) has been a big help with living expenses. During all this time there had only been one person who left owing use money.…...